Turning a website idea into a feature for Pod Hunt
It is no secret I like to build side projects, and after I identified a new trend in podcasting I had the idea to build a new website.
There is a new category of podcasters who are sharing their journey of building, launching and scaling their businesses. Each week they publish episodes discussing what they have done. Frank open discussions about the highs and lows of running a business.
I wanted too curate a list of these podcasts to make them easy to find and share. I started planning the website, and even registered makerpodcasts.com to host the website.
Maker Podcasts is a curated collection of podcasts, with a focus on episodes. Rather than just presenting a list of podcasts like many other curation services do, I retain the focus on episodes.
After thinking about it however I decide not to make a new website, instead I decide to make this a feature of Pod Hunt.
I've launched the MVP of this attempt: collections.podhunt.app/makers

There are a few reasons that I decided to build this into a feature of Pod Hunt instead of separate project...
Pod Hunt is an experiment to solve the problem of podcast discovery. The daily leaderboard is one attempt to solve that problem. Curated collections are another attempt, so it felt natural for it to be associated with Pod Hunt, rather than a separate site.
Rather than curating a single list I naturally started thinking about other lists that I might like to see, design, development and true crime podcasts to just name a few.
Having the list served on the Pod Hunt domain would help with SEO ranking for it and Pod Hunt. Rather than spreading out the backlinks among different domains having them centralized would help increase traffic to both.
As a feature on Pod Hunt I could add the ability for any user on Pod Hunt to curate similar collections. Not only would this reduce the amount of work that I would need to do curating the lists, it would allow lists of topics that I have less interest to be created.
Future iterations will add more features and functionality. I'm expecting to focus on the list of episodes, providing different sort and filtering options. For example you may be able to filter the list of episodes to only those episodes that have been posted to the Pod Hunt leaderboard. Another benefit of making this a feature of Pod Hunt.
Would love to know what you think of the new Pod Hunt feature.